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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is a feed?

If you want to buy some magazine, you have two options.  Either you go to shop and buy, or you could subscribe to the magazine so that it could be sent to your home itself.  Second option is convenient na... If some site offers its latest content as feed, it is like they are providing us with an option to subscribe to the site. 
Normally we visit a site, and check if any new content is there.  It is like we are going to shop and buy. If that site offers content as a feed, we can subscribe to the site using a feed reader.  So, each time we use our feed reader, it will check the site if any new content is there and will retrieve the content.  So, every day we dont need to go to the site.  We can read all our favourite sites from one place (feed reader).
Some of the online feedreaders are:
Feed definition on Wiki

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